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Monday, March 18, 2013

Child Safety and Protection Summit

Today, I attended our spring training for work, The Child Safety and Protection Summit. The keynote speaker was amazing. If you ever get a chance to hear Tonia "Neen" Cain speak, you should definitely take the opportunity. She has a truly inspiring story. You can also buy the DVD of her movie Healing Neen  on her website:

We broke out into sessions in the afternoon. The two I attended were School Readiness and Working with Children with Challenging Behaviors. 

One of the things I got out of the School Readiness session was using an activity matrix. If you haven't used one before, here is a video describing how to use it as well as some other resources below. To print a blank copy of the matrix, click on "Tools for Teachers."

In the Working with Children with Challenging Behaviors session, I found the part about Autism interesting since we have a child in my class who was recently diagnosed with Autism. This video is by Autism Speaks and is an introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA):

In other news, my baby girl is due to be born within the next couple of weeks! Hope to post more soon. Thanks to those of you who are still reading even though posts have been rare the last few months! 


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